Sabtu, 05 September 2009

azkana nabilah wants to be your friend on imeem!

azkana nabilah has added you as a friend on imeem! By accepting this invitation, you'll join azkana nabilah's network of friends and discover new playlists, music, blogs and more.

Click to accept:


imeem is an online community where artists, fans, and friends express themselves through music. It is easy and free.

Here are some of the things you can do on imeem:

- Create music playlists
- Share your tastes with friends
- Embed your favorite content on other pages (such as your blog, Facebook, personal website, etc.)
- Stay up-to-date with your personal network of friends through "What's New" notifications

Find out more at

You received this email because azkana nabilah has invited you to join his/her network on imeem. If you prefer not to receive future invitations from imeem, click here: You can reach imeem at 660 4th St., Box 155 / San Francisco, CA 94107

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